People. Planet. Prosperity.

What if climate solutions grew on trees?

Earth’s new nature-tech climate solution

Over the past 100 years, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased significantly, causing climate change around the globe.

The scientific community believes we need to remove 10 gigatons (billion tons) of carbon dioxide per year to avoid the worst impact of climate change.

Our goal is to remove more than 6 gigatons annually with no external energy, water, or land use change.

Here’s our blueprint to combine the scale of a nature-based ecosystem with the efficiency of technology-based solutions and change the economics of carbon dioxide removal.

Step 1: Capture massive quantities of carbon dioxide

Unique 14x Carbon Cycle

Coconut Tree Carbon Cycle

Carbon Dioxide Superpower

Carbon dioxide removal at scale

Photosynthesis is the most efficient system for removing massive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on planet Earth. 

Like all green plants, coconut trees remove carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis:

Sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide react forming oxygen that is released into the air and carbon which are stored in the plant.

The secret to the coconut tree’s carbon dioxide removal superpower is its unique 14x carbon cycle.

A unique 14x carbon cycle

Coconut trees are one of the most efficient carbon dioxide removal systems on the planet.

Coconut trees generate the 14 times more carbon-infused biomass (coconut fiber) than any plant species.

Coconut biomass is 50% carbon by weight. 

There are more than 1 billion coconut trees already planted on over 30 million hectares of plantations.

Today nearly all coconut biomass is openly burned as waste, releasing 500 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. 

Globe-Eco converts this carbon-infused waste into high-value products, locking away carbon dioxide.


Step 2: Store carbon dioxide in high-value products

High-Value Products


Long-term Carbon Storage

Sustainable Building Materials

Globe-Eco’s novel manufacturing system transforms carbon-infused coconut fibers into high-value building materials.

Globe-Eco coconut fiberboards are 1-1 ASTM-rated substitutes for timber fiberboards and provide a sustainable alternative to meet the increasing global demand for wood products. 

Coconut fiberboards offer premium organic attributes such as increased resistance to fire, moisture, fungus, and insects compared to timber-based alternatives.

In addition to standard building material size profiles, coconut fiberboards can be molded into shapes. 

Unlike timber-based alternatives, Globe-Eco building materials can be repeatedly recycled back to their virgin state extending its service-life indefinitely, using no formaldehyde-based glues.

Existing coconut plantations can produce more than 20 million cubic meters of sustainable lumber to meet current building material supply shortages.

The carbon content of Globe-Eco building materials is easy to measure and verify as a function of mass and production volume.

Step 3: Scale production efficiently

Building a climate gigafactory

Globe-Eco’s production system was designed to integrate with coconut plantations and provide gigaton-scale carbon dioxide removal rates.

Globe-Eco’s unique manufacturing platform is distributed and self-contained, requiring no external energy or water input and leaving behind no waste. 

Each constellation consists of approximately 20 production modules deployed in forty-foot shipping containers. 

Modules snap together like Lego and perform application-specific functions, such as energy, food, or wood production.

Globe-Eco constellations represent one Coconut Processing Unit or CPU. 

Today’s existing coconut plantations can support more than 13,000 CPUs with no land use change. 

Approximately 2,000 CPU’s will remove 1 gigaton of carbon dioxide annually.

Step 4: Creating positive climate multiplier effects

What if carbon dioxide removal made money?

Removing gigaton-scale carbon dioxide is not possible without changing its fundamental economics.

Today, the cost to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is between $400 – $1600 per ton for engineered solutions.

Globe-Eco’s hybrid nature-tech solution makes $300 per ton of direct carbon dioxide removed (not including carbon credits).


A positive multiplier effect occurs when a change in one system causes a multiplied effect in a second system and creates a a reinforcing feedback loop.

Each Globe-Eco CPU stores 30,000 tons of carbon dioxide in durable building materials.

Globe-Eco’s multiplier effects create large secondary carbon dioxide removals and support numerous UN Sustainability Goals.

Increase plantation CO2 removals

The world’s 13 million hectares of coconut plantations offer significant opportunities for increasing ecosystem carbon dioxide removals. 

Replacing non-producing coconut trees with hybrid coconut trees and intercropping cacao, increases the rate of carbon dioxide removal for the plantation, and increases biodiversity.

Using biochar as a soil amendment increases carbon sequestration and soil fertility.

Investments to restore eco-system health are a multiplier effect created with money made from the sale of high-value, carbon dioxide-infused products.

Each Globe-Eco CPU increases plantation carbon dioxide removal by 259,000 tons per year.

Additional Tons of Carbon Dioxide Removal from Globe-Eco multipliers Annually

GE-CDR Plantation

Increased Plantation Carbon Dioxide Removals

+259,000 tons CO2 removed per year

Save Trees With Timber Alternative

Globe-Eco’s sustainable coconut fiberboards help save millions of tropical trees from illegal logging that would otherwise be removed to supply regional lumber demand.

The annual production capacity of one Globe-Eco CPU generates a 40-year Time-Zero Equivalent carbon dioxide removal of 1.6 million trees saved and 384,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Computation per timber rotation: 20,000 cubic meters per year x 2 trees saved per cubic meter of timber lumber x 240 kilograms carbon dioxide removal per tree per year x 40 years (TZE).


1 Cubic Meter Saves 80 Mature Trees

1m3 Saves 80 Trees

Removing19.2 Tons CO2 Over 1 Timber Cycle

+384,000 tons CO2 removed per year

Create Prosperity and Well-Being

The most important of Globe-Eco’s multiplier effects is the socio-economic development impact for millions of farmers.

Every 50 Globe-Eco CPU’s generates $1 billion in direct economic impact for local communities.

Each Globe-Eco CPU includes regenerative farming that provides organic crops to increase food resilience and bring additional income for farmers.

Investments to support UN Sustainable Development Goals are a multiplier effect created with money made from direct carbon dioxide removals.


Step 5: Start now

For more information:

Media – [email protected]

Carbon Credits[email protected]

Investment and Green Bond[email protected]

General Inquiry[email protected]